Assistants to Infancy(0-3) Diploma Course
Assistants to Infancy(0-3) Diploma Course
Association Montessori Internationale (AMI)
AMI is renowned for enabling teachers to become masters of transformative teaching by implementing the Montessori approach with the highest level of fidelity. Our teachers help children follow their interests and passions to develop strong academic and life skills, leadership, self-discipline, responsibility, and independence. AMI teachers create learning environments that are hands-on, self-paced, collaborative, and joyful—everything that’s needed to create a lifelong, active learner.
AMI Montessori Teacher Certification helps teachers nurture each child into a capable and connected individual, while moving all children forward. AMI certified Montessori schools reassure parents that the school supports the teacher in developing each child’s full potential.
국제 AMI 몬테소리 협회 웹사이트:
Apt 106-2004, 675 Sangha-dong, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16994, South Korea
경기도 용인시 기흥구 상하동 675, 임광그대가 크레던스 아파트 106-2004 (우) 16994